About me
Refresher courses at the Moscow Art School of Applied Arts and the Academy of Graphic Design, specializing in graphic design.
Sverdlovsk Institute of Architecture (now — Ural State University of Architecture and Art )
Received a degree in industrial art.
Awarded the qualification "artist-designer".
2016 — present
Ural State University of Architecture and Art (USUAA)
Associate Professor of the Department of Graphic Design.
Stolzman & Katz, creative branding agency (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Art Director.
Main responsibilities:
— management of the project process (functional management of the design department);
— design engineering (development of corporate identity, packaging, printing products);
— interaction with third-party performers (freelance designers and design studios);
— preparation for participation in specialized competitions and exhibitions.
Developed a storage system for design projects, a form for design documentation.
JSC Concern KALINA (Ekaterinburg)
Chief project designer.
Main responsibilities:
— design of packaging for the Concern's products (cosmetics, perfumery, detergents, household chemicals);
— management of the project process (functional management of the design studio [9 designers] of the industrial design department);
— analysis of trends in the design of cosmetic packaging, preparation of presentations for management;
— designer supervision during the production of packaging (with a visit to packaging manufacturers, primarily foreign ones);
— interaction with third-party performers (designers and design studios), drafting and maintaining contracts;
Developed a structure for design planning (instruction), a form for design documentation, a storage and management system for design projects, a system for working with third-party contractors.
Introduced a unified standard in the design of service information. Designed the design of a series of plastic packaging for the brands "Chistaya Liniya", "Sto Retseptov Krasoty", "Velvet Hands", graphic design of packaging for a number of other brands of the Concern.
Avantage-1, LLC (Ekaterinburg)
Head of Design Department.
Main responsibilities:
— management of the design process of the design department (6 designers);
— packaging design (self-adhesive labels);
— preparation of materials for participation in packaging competitions (Packaging — Star of Russia);
Developed a storage and management system for design projects, a form for design documentation. Developed a design concept for color-graphic packaging solutions and a solution for the appearance of packaging for a number of products of OJSC Moloko (Kamensk-Uralsky). Developed brand names, trademarks and label design for Uralskiy Fat Plant LLC.
1995–1998 (concurrently)
Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art
(since 2015: Ural State University of Architecture and Art — USUAA ).
Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial Design, Associate Professor of the Department of Interior Design and Graphics.
Main responsibilities:
— Leadership in design engineering in a consumer product design studio (5-6 course);
— management of graduation projects (4, 6 course);
— Management of the course of project graphics (3 course);
— reviewing of graduation projects (4, 6 course).
He conducted a full course of training in the framework of the training of designers under the specialist diploma program with a 6-year education from the design of single simple products to the integrated design of ecology systems for the home.
Ural's branch of All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Technical Aesthetics (UF VNIITE, from 1992 to 1997 — Ural Institute of Design).
Designer, Senior Designer, since 1996 — Deputy Director of the Institute for Design.
Main responsibilities:
— interaction with the city and regional administrations on design issues (participation in meetings of the city planning council of the Administration of Ekaterinburg);
— design of mechanical engineering products, consumer goods, advertising materials, corporate identity, trademarks;
— preparation of materials for registration of trademarks and industrial designs (patenting).
Developed projects:
— a promising tram for the Ust-Katavskiy Carriage Works (UKVZ);
— type range of small and medium-duty forklift trucks for the Lviv GSKB for forklifts;
— industrial barometer (Kazan);
— baby stroller (Votkinsk);
— a slot machine for MP Destra (Degtyarsk);
— pneumatic jack (Ekaterinburg);
— aircraft liveries of the Su-29, Su-29T, and S-21 aircraft for the Sukhoi bureau (Moscow);
— corporate styles and trademarks for enterprises in Ekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region (Metmash, JSC (Serov), Ural Academy of Public Administration, Education abroad (Ekaterinburg), Ekaterinburg Cultural Lyceum, etc.).
Armed Forces of the USSR, military unit 34081 (42635).
Commander of a platoon of earth-moving machines ( engineering troops, military rank — first lieutenant ).
Took part in eliminating the consequences of the explosion at the Sverdlovsk railway sorting station in 1988.
Transport engineering plant named after Yakov Sverdlov (Sverdlovsk),
now — the joint-stock company " Ural plant of transport engineering ".
Advanced design department.
Design engineer.
Main responsibilities:
— design of the interior and its elements for tracked military equipment.
He developed a project of workplaces for the crew of a self-propelled artillery installation, which took 1st place at the 5th scientific and technical conference of the youth of the plant (06/12/1986).
general information
Member of the Union of Designers of Russia from 1993 to 2011.
In the summer of 2011, in an atmosphere of ridiculous secrecy, the leadership of the Union of Designers of Russia, without discussion with the members of the Union, joined it to the All-Russian People's Front, a political organization aiming to participate in the elections to the Duma in a bloc with the United Russia party.
Considering the actions of the leadership to involve the creative union in politics is unacceptable and destructive to our organization and not being able to influence the change in the situation, from October 24, 2011, I was forced to terminate my membership in the Union of Designers of Russia.
2005–2019 — Chairman and Member of the State Examination Commissions of the USUAA (graphic design, bachelors).
2005–2019 — Председатель и член государственной экзаменационной комиссии УрГАХУ (графический дизайн, бакалавры).