It's in the details!
©Stolzman&Katz, 22.03.2018
Visual images for the advertising campaign of the updated positioning of the DOM hypermarket.
The key image of this campaign was a kaleidoscope, personifying the huge variety of goods of numerous product categories presented in the hypermarket.
Mascot and promo
©Stolzman&Katz, 26.01.2017
Development of the character and his name for the Center for Dental Health of Children "Megadenta CHILDREN".
The name "Deniska" has something in common with the name of the clinic and has a friendly and perky character.
Deniska's color scheme is based on the use of corporate colors of various programs of the clinic.
3D modeling:
Mikhail Naumov (micnau)
Promotional materials
© 23.01.2015
A set of promotional materials, souvenirs, and business documents for the organizing committee of the host city of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
"Five unique programs that guarantee success"
Advertising campaign design
©Stolzman&Katz, 06.11.2014
Advertising materials for "Megadenta Clinics".
Wall banner
for the UralSIZ Trade House
© 09.12.2013
EKOVER basalt insulation
Advertising materials
©LIBERTY marketing bureau, 22.04.2011
Outdoor advertising (6x3 m) and advertising in the press (page, 1/2, and 1/4 page).
Advertising concept: LIBERTY marketing bureau.
Meloch Puzataia (Little pot-bellied) sunflower seeds
Advertising video
©Stolzman&Katz, 2011
Creative Director: Anton Suslov.
The idea of the video (script): Igor LEVIT.
Copyright (slogan): Vladislav Chekhomov.
Production: Darksky (Yekaterinburg).
Реклама УГМК-Здоровье и Мотива у Макаровского моста по улице Челюскинцев. 2 сентября 2010 года.
UMMC-Health medical center
Advertising image
©Stolzman&Katz, 01.04.2010
Copyright — creative director Anton Suslov.
Seam drawing — Evgeny Kalashnikov.
Реклама Мотива и УГМК-Здоровье у Макаровского моста по улице Челюскинцев. 2 сентября 2010 года.
"For a single rouble"
Advertising campaign
©Stolzman&Katz, 01.09.2009
— The main advertising medium (billboard);
— packaging;
— storyboard "Signs of Fate".
"Three favorite numbers"
Advertising campaign
©Stolzman&Katz, 03.09.2009
— Billboard.
— Poster.
— Flyer.
SOKORA stretch ceiling
Advertising materials
©Stolzman&Katz, 05.06.2008
Creative Director: Anton Suslov.